Tokyo Machine Learning Kitchen

Make Every Day Machine Learning Fun

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March 1, 2017, 19:00

ML Kitchen First Meeting

Whether you’re working on machine learning during the day or in your free time, take this opportunity to meet other researchers and engineers. Good chance to converge, add some noise to your neurons, network with your peers, get some knowledge transfer and go deeper into machine learning topics with interesting talks.

Also, since this is Cookpad, there will be awesome food and drinks!

March 1st Schedule:

  • 19:00 - Doors Open
  • 19:30 - Drinks, food
  • 20:00 - Lightning Talks (TBA)
  • 22:00 - Close



  • Bayesian Inference & Neural Networks Lukasz Krawczyk
  • Word2vec for non-textual data and Visualization of embedded vector Masahiro Kazama Word2vec is a famous method in text analysis. The method vectorizes the words in vector space, and similar words are placed nearby. Recently word2vec is applied to many kinds of data (i.e. click log, recipe data) and used for recommendation systems. In this talk, I’ll explain the method to apply word2vec to non-textual data. Also I’ll talk about visualization of embedded vector using t-SNE method.
  • Object Detection Pipeline Abhinav Dhadich
  • Testing Against the Machine Yuichiro Someya

Next time talk:

  • De-mystifying backpropagation OR Deep learning vs. deep neural networks Soon Hin Khor

Meeting archive: